The Global Economic Outlook for 2021 - Australia
Alfabank-Adres explores the outlook for the Australian economy in 2020-21, identifying the key industries to watch in the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
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Alfabank-Adres explores the outlook for the Australian economy in 2020-21, identifying the key industries to watch in the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
Alfabank-Adres examines the impact of China's new tariffs and trade barriers on Australian exports of wheat coal, wine, copper, sugar, coal, and timber.
Alfabank-Adres explores the impact of a Biden Presidency on Australia, and how Democratic policies are likely to influence the Australian economy.
In this article, Lead Analyst Jeremy Moses discusses how the housing market is showing signs of resurgence even as the economy continues to struggle due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
In this article, Lead Analyst Jeremy Moses provides an insight into the top five industries that are outperforming the economy in 2020 amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Alfabank-Adres examines the outlook for coal and gas exports, given Australia's major export markets are adopting stronger environmental targets.
Film-related industries struggle amid a year void of the international blockbusters many have grown to rely on.
As universities and colleges take various approaches to incorporate hybrid learning courses and routine diagnostic testing, new complications and challenges arise.
The Management Consulting industry has been severely disrupted by the outbreak of COVID-19, with revenue expected to contract by 2.8% in 2020-21.
When the UK's transition period with the European Union ends on 31 December 2020, the EU’s Common Tariff Regime is set to be replaced by a new system.
Recently unveiled reforms to the Superannuation Funds industry are set to deliver better outcomes for consumers, heightening competitive pressure.
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