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Hunting & Trapping in the US - Number of Businesses (2005–2030)

NAICS 11421 Last Updated: December 2024
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17,751 Hunting & Trapping in the US Number of Businesses in 2024
2.0% Hunting & Trapping in the US Number of Businesses Growth in 2024
3.4% Hunting & Trapping in the US Number of Businesses CAGR 2019-2024
Hunting & Trapping in the US Number of Businesses CAGR 2024-2029

Curious about what drives these trends? Alfabank-Adres's Hunting & Trapping in the US Industry Report has got you covered.

Questions Clients Ask About This Industry

  • How many businesses are there in the Hunting & Trapping in the US in 2023?

    There was 17,400 Hunting & Trapping in the US businesses as of 2023, an increase of 1.8% from 2022.

  • Has the number of Hunting & Trapping in the US businesses grown or declined over the past 5 years?

    The number of Hunting & Trapping in the US businesses has grown 1.8% per year on average over the five years between 2018 and 2023.

  • How many businesses are there in the Hunting & Trapping in the US in 2024?

    There is 17,751 Hunting & Trapping in the US businesses as of 2024, an increase of 2.0% from 2023.

  • Has the number of Hunting & Trapping in the US businesses grown or declined over the past 5 years?

    The number of Hunting & Trapping in the US businesses has grown 3.4% per year on average over the five years between 2019 and 2024.

  • What is forecast business growth of Hunting & Trapping in the US over the next 5 years?

    See our full analysis of the Hunting & Trapping in the US to understand if the mumber of bussinesses is expected to grow or decline over the next five years.

  • What is forecast business growth of Hunting & Trapping in the US over the next 5 years?

    See our full analysis of the Hunting & Trapping in the US to understand if the mumber of bussinesses is expected to grow or decline over the next five years.

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